How can Drivers Avoid a DUI during Labor Day Weekend?
July 23, 2021

When it comes to summer celebrating and holiday weekends, the chances of being in a car accident or getting pulled over at a DUI checkpoint increases greatly. During any holiday weekend, all drivers should expect to be pulled over or questioned at some point or another. If in the event something goes wrong and legal assistance is needed, drivers are encouraged to reach out to an experienced lawyer.
If Planning on Driving or Hosting a Party
First of all, anyone who intends to drink alcohol should begin the night with the intention they will not be driving at all. Reports from 2012 stated that 147 people were involved in drunk driving accidents and did not survive. It is important that the host of a party does not let any of their guests drink and get behind the wheel either. By hosting the party, an individual could become responsible if their guest is a victim of a drunk driving accident.
What to Expect during Labor Day Weekend
During the holiday weekend, everyone should expect a heavy police presence as well as regular DUI checkpoints. These checkpoints are what put drivers at a high risk for being charged with DUI. It cannot be stressed enough how severe a DUI charge is and what it does to one’s future. The consequences include license suspension, large fines, jail time, and long-term impacts of developing a criminal record. All of these penalties will go on to affect one’s personal and professional life. Following a DUI charge, it will be more difficult to find a place of employment that will simply overlook this charge, credibility with current standings or titles of authority may be stripped, and impressions of one’s character can be negatively affected.
How can a Driver Avoid a DUI?
Creating a plan before starting the evening is always a safe bet. It is important to decide whether or not one plans on driving sober or designating a driver. This is a two-way street when it comes to a friend being assigned as the designated driver. The individual who either offers or is asked to do so is promising that they will not do anything to affect their sobriety that night to endanger their own life or anyone else’s. Everyone who decides to get into a vehicle with them also is putting all their faith and trust that the designated driver would not do anything to jeopardize their safety as well. If everyone plans on drinking, there are other methods of transportation, such as rideshare companies. If a friend, family member, or rideshare service is not available, there is always the option of public transportation. It has been said that if someone is trying to avoid a DUI, they should just avoid the road in general. In some cases, guests are welcome to spend the night at their friend’s party when they have been drinking, and that may be the safest bet. That way, there is no chance of anyone being the cause or victim of a drinking and driving-related accident.
West Chester Criminal Defense Lawyers at the Law Offices of Heather J. Mattes Advocate for Those Charged with DUI Offenses
If you or a loved one has been charged with a DUI, contact the West Chester criminal defense lawyers at the Law Offices of Heather J. Mattes immediately. Our experienced team will conduct a full investigation into your situation and provide you with a realistic evaluation of your case. We know the right questions to ask to ensure that your rights are protected. Call us today at 610-431-7900 or fill out our online form for a free consultation. With our offices located in West Chester, Pennsylvania, we proudly serve all communities of Chester County, Bucks County, Delaware County, Lehigh County, Montgomery County, and Philadelphia County.